Industry Target Objectives




Job Market Expert researchers provide curriculum gap assessments and use candidate profiles to help teachers develop relevant curriculum in top industries based upon employer surveyed needs.  We work with educational staff to refine coursework and liaison between employers, H.R. managers, C.D.C. staff and on- campus recruiters.  


The program helps schools align coursework with employers hiring desires in top industries and professions.  By creating a measured (scored) “best candidate” profile teachers can tie their coursework to job hiring expectations of industry, so that student-learning will appeal to employers and ensure coursework is relevant to what industry currently demands.



  • We help educational institutions incorporate employer specific hiring needs into curriculum.
  • We use "best-fit" candidate profiles to teach students real market driven skills.
  • Faculty can access the ITO database catolog & curriculum plans. 



  • Increase number of on-campus recruiters and job openings by 33-50%.     
  • Increase graduate hires by up to 75%.


Please contact us to request a detailed brochure.